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Answers with Tag: majority

Prophets were sent when people went astray

Another explanation of how Sayyidah Hawwa was created

The importance of being mindful of Salatul ‘Asr

A lengthy Hadith explaining the signs of Qiyamah

Majority of sins emanate from the tongue

The status of ‘salatur raghaib’ in Rajab

Is it true that by using toothbrush and toothpaste you can acquire the reward and accomplish the sunnah of using the miswak

Do we have to perform the ghusl when the limbs or head are cut off?

Is exchange traded derivatives and occupational specific insurance permissible in Islam.

Was Imam Abu Hanifah a tabi’i

Tarawih Salah Time

Status of Aqiqah in the Hanafi school

Six Fasts of Shawwal

Ruling and Meaning of Hijab

Qurbani of animals with tails docked