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Answers with Tag: madrasa

What do the Ulama think about the land dispute in Jhandutta, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh?

What advice can you give to help my son and his children in this situation?

Can madrasa lock gates during takbir ula, barring late students from joining salah jamah?

Is Ziri Madrasha a Wahabi madrasa, and how can I argue with people who call it so?

Zakah on 10 plots of property for building and savings? No deserving recipients found.

Can Qurans offered for isal-e-sawab be diverted to madrasas if they remain unread for a long time?

How can we determine prayer times without an azan?

Teachers hitting children

Selling sweets for a madrasah

Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Hifz: My Journey to Becoming a Haafiz at 26

Using Unclaimed Waqf Property in South Africa for Local Musjid Trust or Madarassa

Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen Musjid

Unregulated Madrasahs: Concerns for Women Teachers and Students

Is Tableegh and Da’wah Work a Bid’ah?

Lady who was ready to accept Islam passing away