Home » Posts tagged 'loan' (Page 37)

Answers with Tag: loan

Paying back a loan with an extra percentage

Is it permissible to work as a finance professor?

If a student loan is haraam, why car insurance is allowed?

Will paying a creditor rent for the house purchased using his money, be considered as interest?

Difference between devaluation and depreciation

Can the wife ask for divorce, if she is the abusive one in the relationship?

Gifting back money with loan

Can Zakaat be given to someone who owns land but is in financial constraints?

Is Zakat obligatory on such a loan knowing that the Creditor will not pay it back?

Paying back extra gold without any condition


Returning loans with extra because it’s not possible to return exact

Zakaat on jewellery

Zakat while in debt

Zakat on loan