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Answers with Tag: Kufr

I have commited a shirk , When I was 17 or 18 years old I had been to a small temple with one of my Hindu friends and I threw some flowers on it.

As you know, here in pakistan, maulana sufi muhammad has lead the fight to bring the sharia to at least a part of pakistan. however he has made a statement that most ulama here especially in karachi feel he should not have made and they say it is his personal opinion and not a fatwa.

What is the limit of allah’s forgiveness

Is it permissable or is it “Bidah” to visit a Wali’s grave recite yasin and place your forehead and hands on the grave (like in sajda) and to ask the wali to make dua on your behalf for whatever you require. I refer to Badsha Peer, Soofie Saheb etc.

I have been specking to some salafi brothers lately we were discussing the topic of iman. my question is: is iman with action and belief or just to believe and what do the hanafi school say? e.g. if i commit an act of kufr and die am i a disbeliever or a sinner?

I want to ask whether I have comitted Kufr as this get together was for Christmas? And do I have to renew my Nikah?

1. what is the ruling on saying that Allah (swt) is “everywhere” or saying that he is on his throne?…2. Is it true that sheikh abdul qadir al jilani (rahmatullah alaih) was of the opinion that Allah is on his throne?

I have married a Christian revert whom I only gave dawa to and by the grace of Allah she became a Muslim which was around two years ago. We have now been married for over two and a half months. Now I am facing the issue of talak..kindly help

If Dajjal is pre-destined to be evil and to create havoc on earth, will he be judged and go to Jahannam on the Day of Qiyamah? Shaytaan will definitely go because he directly disobeyed Allah SWT…

Can a Muslim say RIP for a dead person?

I like to buy many islamic books.is it permissable for me to sometimes when a freind wants some info on a certain subject to photocopy some things from these books and give it to her?

Two terms are used, ‘kaafir’ and ‘faasiq’. Please explain that whom we call faasiq and whom we call kaafir …

Few days ago in anger i said “throw the Qur’an” Allah Forbid!, …so how can i ask for forgivness from Allah about this?…Can i put the Qur’an straight or lay it on a side please tell me which one is better?

I always miss my asar salath while comming back from office to home. I use Bus for conveyance and Quibla falls toaward right of the seat.

My husband is telling me that lets try for a second baby. Our first daughter turned 1 yr in this month. I told my husband that right now she is very small and there should be atleast 2-21/2 yr gap b/w them, but hes insisting me that she’ll be 2 then.