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Answers with Tag: Kufr

1. Can Muslims read books like those of Nostradamus that claim to predict future events? Can they be read if one has no intention to believe in the ‘predictions’?

Is this a test from Allah swt? i want to belive but how can i get my faith back?

While I was in deep sleep at night, I felt something very heavy pressing against my whole body.

What is the ruling regarding adoption of the nationality of a non-Muslim country?

Calling upon the dead such as Ya Ali or Ya Muhammad

My cousin married a shiah man,now she is coming to visit us this summer,may you guide me the way i should act with her?

Allah created adam in His own form ?

Concerning the Islam of our Nabi’s parents

Sometimes shaytaan says words in my ears that i think would constitute kufr

Is it permissible to read behind a barelvi imaam who has the following aqeedah?

Is this act an act of kufr?..What if this person asks his mother to pray in the other room (because he is watching TV)

Our Ummah really requires ULAMA-E-RABBANI. I am 20 years old right now and I want to go to Islamic University in Prophet’s city, Medina.

Please help, this is ruining my life…I look like a famous person here in England called David Baddiel (he is a comedian).

Are current goverments in Islamic countries are really LEGITIMATE?

Islam supports which system of government and presently, where (in the islamic world) is it being practiced truely?