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Answers with Tag: Kufr

What is balck magic ? how is it effective and how one can protect itself from it?

Is it permissible for Muslims to vote for a candidate in the coming kufr (not based on Shar’iah) elections?

Taweez making

Mufti Saheb, I would like to know what is the meaning of “Qunoot-e-Naazila “. Please tell me the dua, in arabic as well, so that I may practice this.

What is QUnoote Naazila

If a non-muslim country fights a muslim nation,is it obligetory to defend/ protect your brothers despite the fact that you may not agree on all islamic issue with the pple of afghanistan/ruling group?

What is the shar’i hukm on sending non-baligh (below age of cognisance) children into kufr-teaching education establishments?

Regarding Shaykh Nazim al Qubrusi, Shakyh Kabbaani and followers, in reference to “The Irrefutable Proof that Nazim al-Qubrusi Negates Islam” by Shaykh Samir Kadi.

Is the use of taweez permissible in Islam?

How do people practice black magic? Surely it is up to Allah if any bad thing happens to us not the magician?

My iman fluctutaes. what can i do to make this more consistent. Sometimes i feel very nice but sometimes, I get ridiculous ideas.

Is wearing dua written from Quran bidah?

Is the existence of such groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir correct according to shari’a as they are quite controversial.

I have a question regarding a Hadith reported in Muslim. The Hadith says: Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (saw) having said: “By Him in Whose Hand

Been discussing religion with a Bahai. Wanting to know of other ayat in the Qur’an/hadiths that are clearly in support of Prophet Muhammad as last prophet aside from 33:40