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Answers with Tag: jinn

Reading and blowing on a person as a form of treatment

Can man put wasaawis into another person’s heart?

Can Women Read Manzil During Haidh?

Jinn performing the nikaah

Genie-Human Offspring: Marriage and Afterlife Considerations

Adult daughter sleeping in the same room with parents

Talaaq of a man who is affected by black magic and jinn

Which things are jinn attracted to?

Can Cosmetic Procedures be Allowed in Islam for Reversing the Effects of Black Magic?

Questions About Palmistry and Jinn Connections

Taking work from jinnaat

I’m unable to recall a talaq that my husband claims to have issued. Does the talaq stand valid in this case?

Feeling pain after burning Ta’weez

Do Junaid Jamshed’s Nasheed contain Shirk?

I feel I have attracted a jinn, what can I do?