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Answers with Tag: isha

Seeing Blood at Isha but being Clean at Fajr

Jama’ Qasar on a Ship, Imamat, Taraweeh and Looking in Mushaf while Praying

The fathers of Sayyidna Musa and Sayyidatna Maryam

Believing in magic, horoscopes, and missing prayers

How Many Days Constitute Traveling For Combining Prayers?

Intending the Wrong Prayer

Shortening Night Prayer Behind Someone Praying Sunset Prayer

Is a Lecture a Valid Excuse to Delay the Prayer?

What Should I Do If My Menstruation Ends Right Before Maghrib Time? [Habib Umar]

I Have Not Prayed for Several Weeks. What Can I Do?

Can We Combine the Friday and Asr Prayers When Travelling? (Shafi’i)

Can I Pray Isha Right After Praying Maghrib? (Shafi’i)

Can I Miss a Prayer Because of an Exam?

Can I Pray Isha During Daylight If I Live Near a Polar Region? (Shafi’i)

Since the Birth of My Baby, I No Longer Pray. What Do I Do?