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Answers with Tag: investment

Is giving 1 lakh for business & receiving fixed profit + variable returns halal?

Can Mumbai Real Estate Developer offer 2 profit options to investors?

Zakah for PF 1.75L and wife’s 51K bank account & jewellery?

Is it permissible to do business with a fixed monthly income?

Do I have to pay zakah on my investments, even if I don’t receive income?

Can I work part-time as an accountant for a friend’s halal business funded by a bank loan?

What source prohibits fixed profit against investment as haram/sood? Quran, Hadiths, or other?

How should I divide my investment in a house among my siblings?

Is money invested in a business excluded from zakah?

Zakat for unemployed in Delhi with 500k bank balance and 10k monthly expenses?

Can I consider my investment as Zakah and withdraw my demand for money from my friend?

Is Rizwan’s second marriage valid under Shariah?

What is an Investment in Systematic Investment Plan?

What specific steps would you need to take to get a loan from a bank to start a business?

How to Pay Zakat on Cash Investments? (Shafi’i)