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Answers with Tag: intimacy

Breastfeeding after intimacy

Could you give a basic guideline as to when does one need to make qadha’ only for a broken fast, and when does one need to give kaffarah along with the qadha’?

Are Spanish Fly capsules halal? It is an insect known to help men in their intimacy department.

Communication between boy and girl before marriage

Can you kindly explain if a women experiences menses during her fast what should she do, can she eat? What about when a woman is I menses during Ramadan does the same ruling apply?

What level of intimacy cancels a Talaq in iddat? Is there a leeway for oral intercourse?

Husband and wife intimacy for those following the earlier Fajr fatwa

Intimacy During Menstruation: Meeting Your Partner’s Needs.

Understanding the Conditions for a Halal Waleemah: Intimacy Obligatory?

When can the spouse engage in sexual relations after haidh?

Identifying Mazi or Mani: Understanding Female Discharge

Using a pill to regulate one’s period

Haidh pattern changing to ten days

Method of issuing a divorce

Spouses missing Salaah due to having intimacy