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Answers with Tag: income

Division of property during one’s life:

Please check this method of Ijarah, is it halal or not? Lots of people in Canada are waiting for an Halal mortgage.

Is a menstruating lady allowed to perform Tawāf Al-Ziyārah after the twelfth of Dhul-Hijjah?

Is it permissible to be involved in illegal cigarrettes ? Is the income earned Halāl?

Is the 4% on my credit card in this situation an interest?

Can I work as a IT engineer in a hotel that sells alcohol?

Is it permissible for me use Adsense for my website, or use a pseudonym while blogging or make a website for a music company?

Is serving pork in Burger King Harām?

I write articles on the internet and get paid for it. Is my source of income halal?

Is video editing permissible?

What is the permissibility of the following policies: 1) Death Benefit 2) Trauma Benefit 3) Disability Benefit 4) Occupational Disability Income?

Is it permissible for non-Muslim workers to run one’s business during Jumu’ah?

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I work for one of the leading Business Process Outsourcing company in Banglore. Is my income Halal?

Can I give zakat to an elderly couple?