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Answers with Tag: income

Is it permissible for the architect to set up a business which would buy the product and resell it to the client at a profit?

Is it permissible to deal in fake products?

How to calculate zakat on shares when it is in losses? How to calculate Zakat on plot of land?

What subjects are permissible to study at college or university and what are strictly not permissible?

Social obligation for going to Jihad

Is it necessary to repay student loans if one is not contractually obliged to repay? Is the husband responsible for the wife’s debts?

Is Tax-Evasion permissible in Islam ? Vat is charged separate from selling price so does not belong to the business.

No barakah We do not buy any luxuries just pay for utilities what could we be doing wrong.

Should I return the interest from my tax return to IRS (Internal Revenue Service)? Should I give this money (interest) to some needy people?

I have received gold jewelry as gifts from my husband & mum-in-law. Some is for my children when they grow up. I do not work and have no income.Do I have to pay Zakaat?

My cousins have a wine shop in USA and their most of the earnings are from that shop.

If you have parents in old age that do not have an income as children are you liable and allowed to pay zakaat on their jewellery and fidya for their rozas

I work as a waiter for a Muslim who sells indian food as well as alcohol.If I stay away from selling those alcohol, would the money i get from that place be Halaal or Haraam? Thank you Imam Sahib.

If one owns 40% of shares in a company, then how is Zakaat calculated on his share?

Would the prizes I win, while participating in a video game competition and coming in the top ranks, be haram?