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Answers with Tag: impurities

Can Muslims buy used items from non-Muslims, including food processors used for haram food?

Is mucus, earwax, sperm, mazi, and mani najis?

What’s the penalty for not safeguarding against urine and how to protect oneself while urinating outdoors?

Should I clean a greasy grill to remove haram food contamination before using it?

Performing Sajdah during Menstruation

Is whisky or beer without alcohol Halāl?

Is it permissible to perform wudhu in a washroom? Would it permissible to perform wudhu in a washbasin? Can I wash my feet in the toilet?

I have a query regarding the internal scaning for pregnent women, does internal scanning make the women napaak?

I want to ask you that if your clothes are napak (impure) and you sit somewhere or sleep on your bed, does your bed and everything on which you sit will become napak (impure).?

Does washing impure clothes in a washing machine render them pure?

How should impure utensils be washed in the dishwasher?

There are lot convolutions on the private part due to twice and improper circumcision. Even after washing there will be a lot of impurities inside these convolutions and holes in the skin. What the ruling for cleaning or one should go for plastic surgery. Please advise.

My situation is such that drops of urine or mazi come out all the time maybe every 5 to 10 minutes or sometimes at random times one after another…

1) can we chew the bone of chicken and consume its bone marrow as we do in case of mutton or beef… 2) 2) In middle east the poultry is supplied is frozen on even if fresh (as claimed) , there is skin left over which is between the feathers and the flesh.I heard from one of our

I am living with a non muslim family they sponsered me…and i am having problem cause they have a dog here and it keeps touchin me.