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Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

Wudu lost through sin? How is wudu broken? Would masturbation be allowed to avoid major sins?

Isha Time in the Summer Months in Northern Nations

Eid on Friday 

Prayer: Followers Do Not Recite Behind The Imam, in any prayer

Prostration of forgetfulness behind a Hanafi imam

What is the ruling of a prayer behind a person who reads from a mushaf (copy of the Qur’an)?

Switching Schools During Prayer

Calculating Isha Time

When is it recommended to avoid the differences of opinion of other schools? What if something

What is the meaning of qawwamuna as used in Surat al-Nisa’, verse 34?

What is the proof of Rafa Yadain?

Working for Valet Company that Parks Cars for a Casino

Working for a Company Providing IT Solutions in Un-Islamic Markets

Who is Mahram

What is the Ruling on Using Solid Intoxicants as Flavor Ingredients in Foods?