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Answers with Tag: imaam

Staying for 7 days in Makka Mukarramah and 7 days in Madinah Munawwarah

Following the Imaam in sajdah even if one did not complete “Rabbana Wa la kal hamd”

The Ahaadith of Bukhari and Muslim

How to complete the missed rakaats of maghrib Salaah

Imaam breaking his wudhu

When should one commence reciting Rabbana-lakal-hamd?

Hanafi Imaam making the second sajdah of the 17th para

Three questions relating to the masbooq (person who joins the Salaah late)

Reciting ربنا و لك الحمد حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه in fardh Salaah

Following a shafi Imaam in witr

Illegitimate child becoming an Imaam

Sending one’s daughter for Qur’an lessons

Congregational dua after fardh Salaah

Forgetting to recite aloud in a loud Salaah

Repeating a Salaah in which a waajib was left out