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Answers with Tag: imaam

Making Salaam behind the Imaam

Masbooq joining the Imaam in Sajda-e-Sahw

Should the muqtadi recite behind the Imaam?

Valid or Invalid?

Musallees waiting for the Imaam

People of the village paying towards the salary of the Imaam

Women performing Salaah in the two harams

Fask (Cancellation) of the marriage

Understanding Taqleed: A Brief Overview

Salaam when completing the Salaah

Reciting Sami Allahu liman Hamidah instead of Subhana Rabiyal A’laa

Shar’ee Status of Imam’s Dua and Muqtadi’s Response

What should the Muqtadi recite between the both sajdahs

When should a masbooq stand up to complete his Salaah?

Who to appoint as Imaam