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Answers with Tag: imaam

Imam Abu Mansoor Maaturidi and Imam Abul Hasan Al Ashari

Performing Salaah in one’s underpants

Inviting Guests on the 10th of Muharram

How should one read Salah behind the Imam?

What is the proof against those who say that wiping [masah] over regular socks is permissible?

Question about organ donation and dream

Questions on sufuuf

If he recites the Shahada, he will be a Muslim.

Questions regarding the prohibition of Lowering one’s garment below the ankles

Can a Shafi (mazur) lead a Hanafi in prayer

Imamat of a person whose beard hasn’t yet developed

Has my talaq taken place if my husband says he has nothing to do with me?

No Iddat for Adultery

SAYING YAZEED “Rahmatullahi Alaih”?

Joining the Imaam after three rakaats