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Answers with Tag: imaam

Following Multiple Imams: Is It Possible to Change One’s Maslak?

Salaah behind an imaam who is physically injured

Imaam replying to the second azaan of jumuah

What should the imaam and muqtadi say when coming up from ruku?

Clean shaven person leading the salaah

Questions on Sunni-Shi’a Differences: A Respectful Discussion

Shar’ee Ruling on a Woman in Haidh Travelling the Safar Distance: Full Salaah or Qasar?

How to cover up for missed Takbeeraat in Eid Salaah

Marrying someone against one’s wishes

Navigating Talaq: My Muslim Marriage Questions

Reciting surahs in the missed rakaats of salaah

Which type of debts will be deducted when calculating zakaat?

Women performing Salaah behind the Imaam in Madinah Munawwarah

Mistakes in taraweeh salaah

How should the masbooq make sajda-e-sahw with the Imaam?