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Answers with Tag: Iddah

Waiting Period (idda) for Non-Menstruating Women Prior to Menopause

Issuing Divorce in the State of Intoxication

The Husband’s Financial Responsibility after Divorce

Wife Applying for a Decree Absolute after the Husband Initiates a Legal Divorce

My husband has divorced me for the 3rd time. Can he take me back?

Is the ruling of the ‘iddahof a prepubescent girl the one mentioned in al-Ahzāb or al-Talāq?

1. I am a proposed groom.we were in the process of marriage wherin we were about to formally accept the proposal from bride side… 2. A Person wishes to make her daughter as a adopted child of another couple

Can a woman in ‘iddah whose husband has passed away leave her house to earn money if she has no financial support?

Can a person marry his wife’s sister’s daughter? If he does, is the nikah valid?

My husband and I fought and I asked him for divorce. He said, “Ok, you are free. Tallak tallak tallak.” Does talaq take place?

If a man divorces a woman and she is now sitting in the iddah of talaaq and then the man passes away, what will be her iddah? Please explain the hanafi and shafi’ee opinion.

Iddah – Please reply

Thank you so much Mufti sahib for your help in this matter discussed in “Fatwa # 18302 from Saudi Arabia ; Date: Wednesday, October 7th 2009”, I would like to ask you one more confusion which is here:

Iddat is a farz and if some one can not perform iddat immediately after divorce is there any QAZA for it. i had this wrong concept in my mind that iddat can be started anytime after divorce for 130 days

I want to know what will be the duration of Iddat after khula? As i was not living with my husband or past 6 months coz he was in abroad before he came i had given my…