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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Is one allowed to close their eyes during prayer for the sake of concentration?  

Who can pay my fidya? +make up fasting

Are we permitted to watch “The Passion?” 

The Assumption Of Purity, Not Filth

How can you say that building on graves is permitted?

Giving zakat as a grant to a righteous scholar?

Position of the toes in prostration for men

Does Vomiting Require Wudu? Is it filthy? WHat about babies? They seem to vomit all the time!&n

Fiqh of Islamic Months: The Month of Muharram

Female Discharge and Wudu

Sunnas At Home? It is the Sunna…

Zakat on car rented out

Zakat on savings for house

Saying Ameen After Imam’s Fatiha

Night vigil prayer before sleep. And: The difference between night worship (qiyam al-layl) and