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Answers with Tag: husband and wife

I have been married for 13 years. After marriage I found out that my husband is impotent and infertile. I didn’t divorce because i thought that Allah (SWT) will punish me. Now after..

Id like to ask, if a wife is no longer happy with her husband after 3 years of working the marriage out..

Is the talaq valid when it is given during the menses however when the husband gave the divorce he did not know about it. Now the husband denies that he gave…

1. We did our nikah secretly because our parents were not agreed. Is this nikah valid? 2. 2: We did not fix the amount of Meher during the nikah. Does it have any affect on our nikah?

What is darul ifta’s view about Sexual Therapy?

I live in a country where taking permission for second marriage from first wife is compulsory. Is it obligatory for me to take permission? Before marriage I asked my wife to do another marriage but he refused to marry me,

I know that the walima ceremony is sunnat. can u please tell me if it is permissible to have a walima ceremony years later after a marriage.

To what extent we should follow our parents order according to Islam? (Mariage)

Q1. I have been engaged for almost a cpl of years now. I live in a country where it’s hard to control yourself, since it’s easy to commit zina…Q2. What are the rules for those Muslims who are in jails in non-Muslim countries. I mean the food they get is not halal…

Justa quick question, i had a verbal quarrel with my wife and i asked her in urdu “if you so tired of me let me know and i will free you with three words” Does that break my nikkah

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1. My parents got me married to a girl 6months back, and they are not ready to get me married before 2010 because of some reasons. I told them that this is wrong and islam dosent allow all this but they are not ready…. 2. Secret Nikah 3. Intimate satisfaction 3. men and women salah 5. Tablighi Jamat

What is the islamic shariah on watching or participating in sports where the full satr is not covered

Can you please explain the significance of not cutting your hair or nails in the first 10 days of Zul Hajj until Qurbani has been made?

I have always heard that Jannat is found under mom’s feet..And you should always listen and follow your mothers or parents directions, nomatter what it is. But, What do you do if you have a grandmother ….