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Answers with Tag: Holy Quran

I read the topic on your website ” Why are muslims suffering”. In point 23 the opperessive leader you qouted a hadith “Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: …

One mobile costs rs 30000 in india and 10000 in us but inU.S it is tied with a telecom service provider due to which such a discount is available the…

While it is obvious that homosexual behavior is immoral by the standards of the qur’an and the hadith, what should be the role of government (if any) in sexual behavior? is it right…

1. I always feel scared at nighttime, especially because of all the scary movies I have seen in the past. I have stopped watching movies a long time ago, and just to mention I…

As you are aware mobile phones are very common. To be able to answer them, we need a sound to hear. Some have made the alert tone the azaan. Some have made the…

I want to know the status of literature (poetry, folktales, etc.) in Islam. I heard from someone that poetry is forbidden based on hadith when Umar (ra) hit and rebuked someone…

As per Quran saying, for pious men there will be pious women. As per my understanding it means that if I am pious I will then able to get pious women (wife)…

My question is why is it allowed for muslim females not to observe hijab in front of slaves (or the slaves whom their right hands possess) as it may lead to fitna if the slaves are young male/men.? according to verse 024.031 of Holy Quran.

The “CFD”, or “Contract for Difference”, was developed to allow clients to receive all the benefits of owning a stock without having to physically own the stock itself….

…Before her death she was reciting Yasseen Sharif from holy Quran. At the time of her death she had a deep breath and a tear slips from her right eye….

I would like to know if its is permisble to work for a debt collection agency.where debt is bought from another company eg £5000 pound debt bought for £500 then we would have to chase the customer to pay the full amount in full,

I am trying to learn the Holy Quran with meanings and fortunately I found a dictionary in Hindi. Alhamdulillah I am memorizing meanings from this dictionary and referring other translation to understand meanings of the holy verses.

I wanted to ask if it would be acceptable or “halal” if buying meat from an alcholic beverage store owned by muslims who claim that their meat is zabiha.

Is self punishment haraam or halal.?

I live in Bangladesh. In our country recently new group is working. who say democracy is haram in islam. becasue in our constitution it is written all power goes to the people.