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Answers with Tag: Holy Quran

What is the recitation of the Quran in Thajood?

What is the meaning of “Eram” & is it permissible to use it according to Quran & Hadith?

Is it permissible to read the Qur’an and say “Incha Allah” or “Alhamdullilah” during men’s prayers?

Is one talaq enough to end a marriage according to Sunni-Hanafi teachings?

Can a divorced Muslim woman remarry her first husband?

Sell pork in Adelaide store to non-Muslims without separate utensils and slaughtering?

Can you suggest a name from the Quran for my newborn born on 28 August 2013 at 9:20 pm?

Where is the reference for the Kalimah Tayyibah?

Is giving food and reading fatiha on the 3rd day after a funeral allowed in Islam?

Is my wife’s claim of 3 talaqs valid, or can I still rujoo within the iddah?

Madrasa course for engineering students on Quran, Hadith, Seerah for dawah to non-Muslims?

Is it permissible to charge a fee for teaching the Quran?

What should be done after someone’s death according to Shariah?

Is there a kaffarah if a boy given by Allah isn’t made Hafiz-e-Quran?

Can I do Hajj with gas & wudhu issues during tawaf & namaz?