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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

Is it okay to name a boy as Taha or Ta’ha?

One fast during the ten days of Zulhijjah is equal to the fasting of one complete year

Is there a passage missing from the Quran regarding stoning for adultery.

What is the ruling regarding adoption of the nationality of a non-Muslim country?

The holy prophet(pub) visits the people sometimes in their dreams and at other times when one is awake

How did the holy prophet take the black seed ( in milk or taken alone?), also how did he take honey?.

If not, then why do we follow the 4 Imams instead of the Shi’a of Ali when Prophet Muhammad (saaws) said such a great thing regarding them?

Is it allowed to get married in Safar Month?

Isn’t it essential that we must celebrate and be happy on the birthday of our Beloved Prophet (saw)?

Pls explain context and details of hadith #4130,4131 (vol.16) of Sahih Muslim. “do u think a prophet could cut others hands, pierce their eyes, and let them die on a stone, for stealing some camel?”

Is money earned by arranging musical concerts halal or haram?

When u facing problems what has holy prophet(peace be upon on him) told to how to come out of problem (sunnat method)

Tell me about the basic concepts of Zakat regarding women, should I pay Zakat or not? some people told me that it is not due on unmarried females and some told me it is not due on income of ladies

Regarding Authorative Rule – could you give me any reference from any Fiqh (or tareekh book) that Prophet ‘forced’ anyone to pray, or any other obligation of Islam …

Is is ok to forward blasphemous material to raise awareness about it?