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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

What are some good Islamic names for a girl?

What is the Maturidi belief on iman: static or unstable?

Does reciting durood bring more angels?

Does reciting Surah Ikhlas 100,000 times free from punishment and earn a call from Allah in heaven and earth?

Is “Haidar” the title given to Hadhrat Ali by Prophet Muhammad?

Is adding a second name to Fatima (e.g. Aalia Fathima, Fathimuthu Zohra) recommended?

Should my brother-in-law continue with my sister who committed zina?

What about naked bathing, kid’s age limit, women’s ghusl, and ghusl with istinja in bathroom?

Is the key of Kabah still with the same family given by the Prophet (PBUH) on Makkah’s victory day?

Is there evidence from Hadith that wearing jubbah is not a sunnah, but just a traditional cloth?

Is the Hadith about Prophet Adam’s pardon accurate?

Legal to cashier in Nat’l bank in India? As officer?

What is the purification of the Prophet Muhammad’s heart?

Can Hanafi rules be broken, use wasilah, follow all 4 imams, use Khatm-e-Quran for deceased, eat pork-fed fish, ignore country laws?

Did any Sahabi ask the Prophet (peace be upon him) for intercession at his grave?