Home » Posts tagged 'Hanafi Madhab' (Page 23)

Answers with Tag: Hanafi Madhab

Nikah without parental consent

Getting bay`at to a Maliki Shaykh.

Hair of a Mayyit

How should one read Salah behind the Imam?

Is the Wudhu still valid after consuming camel’s meat?

The masjid offers 3 Jumuah Salaats

Why is the Friday khutba in Arabic?

Question about Tahujud Salah

What is the view of Imam Abu Hanifa on a woman reciting Quran while on her menses. Can you tell what the other Madhabs say regarding this?

I got tricked in saying the words of nikah, is my nikah valid?

Qiyamul Layl

Which is the correct Dua-e-Qunoot?

Can I do masah on Sealskinz socks after repairing them?

Can a Shafi (mazur) lead a Hanafi in prayer

Hurmat al Musaharah between a man and woman