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Answers with Tag: Hanafi Madhab

Qiraat behind the imam?

Can I trim my beard for it to look neat and what is the ruling on sea foods; prawns, calamari?

Nikah without a wali

Is it permissible to pray two salah in single time?

Will the consumption of camel meant nullify one’s wudhu in the Hanafi school of thought?

Is it permissible to pray in a Masjid that is farther than your local Masjid because its Imam follows your Madhab?

What is the Hanafi view on eating kidneys etc and joining prayers?

May I change to the Hanafi mazhab due to the difficulty I am experiencing?

Can 1 Qurbani suffice for the entire household?

Seafood Permissibility in Hanafi Mazhab

Performing a second jamaat in the Musjid

Reciting the Dua in jalsa

Asr and Esha Salaah According to Imaam Abu Yusuf’s View

Being intimate while the wife is experiencing haidh

Shaving and trimming the hair when coming out of ihraam