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Answers with Tag: Hajj

How many times does one make Istilaam in Tawaaf?

Does Qurbani become compulsory because of performing Hajj?

Does Hajj remain obligatory on a person if they were not accredited for Hajj? 

Does a woman have to pay for her Mahrams Hajj expenses?

Does a penalty (Damm) apply to a woman in menses (Haidh) who has delayed the performance of Tawaaf-e-Widaa (farewell Tawaaf) after the days of Hajj?

Concession for a woman covering her face in Ihraam

Can woman in menses (Haidh) leave the boundaries (Miqaat) of the Haram before performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah?

What should a person do if he/she doubts the number of circuits in the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah of Hajj and the Tawaaf of Umrah?

What is the status of fasting during the ten days of Zul-Hijjah?

What is a Qiraan, Tamattu’ and Ifraad Hajj? Can it be done by a South African and a resident of Makkah Mukarramah too? Can everyone do it?

Shaving the hair & clipping the nails for the Haaji performing Qurbani

In the case of menstruation, Zikir-e-Azkar, Darud-e-Sharif, Ojifah can be read without prayers and … replaced by Hajj and Umrah. Is it true???

If you completed all the rituals of Hajj and you did not make Tawaaful Widaa, since Tawaaful Widaa is … and damm will not be compulsory. is right???

What should a menstruating woman do from the meeqaat until the end of Hajj?

Is a menstruating woman forbidden from Sa’ee as well as Tawaaf during Hajj and Umrah? the Sa’ee … the Tawaaf when performing Umrah, is it true???