Home » Posts tagged 'habit' (Page 46)

Answers with Tag: habit

Can Muslims say ‘cheers’?

Father consuming alcohol

Overcoming Evil Thoughts During Prayer: A Muslim Girl’s Struggle

Performing Salaah with one’s eyes opened

Can reciting Qur’aan benefit the deceased?

Being considerate towards the musallees

My Frustration with My Wife’s Lack of Sexual Initiation and Islamic Views on Intimacy

Lost Hope: My Business Ruined and Financial Crisis

Children and upbringing

Irregular bleeding after putting a loop

Dealing with a Husband’s Infidelity: Stay or Leave?

Overcoming Masturbation: A Struggle for a 24-Year-Old Student

Hazrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) marrying eleven wives

Daughter visiting her non-Muslim father

How can a married man stop his habit of masturbation?