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Answers with Tag: friendship

Islam’s stance on online friendships with girls without engaging in negative conversations.

Can a fasting person feed non-Muslim guests during fasting hours?

Marriage Proposal by the one her Friend Likes

Excluding old Friends to Obey New Husband

The Fiqh of Muslim Non-Muslim Interaction, A Detailed Explanation

Purchasing items from a company which deals with permissible and impermissible products?

How much can one love another in Islam?

I have fallen in love with a girl, how do I perform Salaat al-Istikhara for marriage?

Are Muslims allowed to eat cross buns? They are commonly sold during Easter holidays. They don’t have animal fat in it.   

Already Answered

Prescribing medications to your patients

Hi ive just found out that my girlfriend is pregnat, i dont want to be with her as i dont really think she is for me, would it be ok to get her to have a termonation as she has only been pregnat for 1 week.

Is it allowed to have any kind of relationship – like friendship/family contact / business partnerships- with Qaidiyanis?

Could you explain in detail the exact beliefs of Makkah Mushrik in the period of Jahiliyya?.

I leant a £1000 to a friend of mine 10 years ago. At the time, he was supposed to pay me back the following month, but failed to do so.