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Answers with Tag: fiqh

Please explain the rulings of chronic vaginal discharge and how this impacts fasting? How can o

Praying Witr when Making up Missed Prayers

Making up prayers with an invalid wudu 

A Case of Menstruation

Placing Hands in Prayer

May I take wages from my partnership business?

When Does it Become Obligatory to Pray?

Curriculum & Texts for Shafi`i fiqh

Praying behind an imam who keeps their hands at their sides

Switching madhhabs due to not being able to find a teacher?

What do the scholars say about Ibn `Arabi? Is he a disbeliever or one of the greatest saints (a

Is Alcohol Filth?

Sexual dissatisfaction and oral sex

Arab father refusing the proposal of non-Arab for his daughter

How to put hands in prayer and if we can skip sunna prayers when we are tired