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Answers with Tag: Fasting

Do voluntary prayers and fasts make up for missed obligatory prayers and fasts?

1. Is talking to the girl I wish to marry haram? 2. Does my fast break by talking to the girl?

Mufti Saab please tell me what can I do. I have been talking to a girl who I will marry, for a year and some months. Is talking to her haraam? and would it break my fast?

A certain person did something quite undesirable and stupid about two months ago; he’s very troubled about it and needs your advice urgently.

Can Mufti Sb please gv a brief explanation What’s the reward of a person who passes away in the month of RamaadanCan Mufti Sb please gv a brief explanation What’s the reward of a person who passes away in the month of Ramaadan

I am going to travel to africa after ramdhan. One of the requirements is to have vaccination for Yellow Fever. Can you tell me that if I can take this Vaccination in My Fast?

My mother is unable to fast due to illness. Is there any way to compensate by giving some sadaqa or zakat?

There are deeds of 100 years of prayers for the one how does I’badah on the night of Shabe Me’raj. Is the hadeeth authentic?

1. I possess a pair of SealSkinz waterproof socks. RecentlyI decided to give them a little test… 2. 2) I have made a vow last October (2010) that until the two year Arabic course I enrolled online has ended,for every day that I did not spend an hour a day studying any form of Arabic, I would fast for three days.

Is it permissible to specify one of two days in a given week to keep the fast of nadhr (vow)?

If I make an intention to fast at night, but I did not wake up for suhūr, can I choose to not fast?

I made a vow to fast every month if my previous boyfriend was released from jail, but now I am married to someone else. What should I do about this vow? Also, I lied to my husband that I am younger than him. Is our nikāh valid? Should I tell him the truth?

I have a question me and my husband we were together on bed and he discharged in his pant..before going to bathroom he asked me to give him tissue ..he moved the pant a little and place the tissue on the discharge..and then with the same hands he took out …

Can I use a miswaak while fasting?

I have a simple question which needs to be answered. This question regards the friday prayer. I currently reside in Bangladesh and I am in high school. My father is in NJ and my mother thinks that I shouldn’t go to the mosque by myself because the people in Bangladesh are bad, I know that I am old enough but now what do I do?