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Answers with Tag: estate

Does a foster child inherit?

Do the heirs of a deceased partner automatically become partners in the business?

Depriving ones heirs by gifting others during ones lifetime

Distributing an estate in installments

Do adopted children inherit from their biological parents? 

Can any amount of money be given in a Khula agreement between husband and wife? 

Working as an estate agent

Zakaat on pension funds

Who is responsible to maintain a widowed wife during the Iddah period of 4 Months and 10 days? 

Who has the first right of purchase in an estate?

What value is considered when an heir is purchasing an asset from an estate?

Using Zakaat funds to pay off the debts of an estate

Transferal of a gift after the deceased’s demise

The performance of Salaah is waived if one is incapable and passes away

The inheritance of adopted children