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Answers with Tag: eating

1. I heard that if a woman shows some part of her body then that part wil b burnt in the fire of hell.. is this a true hadith.. pls provide with proper reference..

My wedding consisted of many celebratiosn that most Pakistani wedding nowadays consist of. Loud music, dancing, dhol playing, mehndi, manya… so many things that i am sure you know were traditions of the hindu people….Does this mean that my Marriage is not valid?

Brother I have one question on animals, what does Islam says about TREATING ANIMALS ? If anyone treats any animal or bird badly, will that person will held accountable for his/her actions

1) can we chew the bone of chicken and consume its bone marrow as we do in case of mutton or beef… 2) 2) In middle east the poultry is supplied is frozen on even if fresh (as claimed) , there is skin left over which is between the feathers and the flesh.I heard from one of our

I had made an agreement with a friend of mine making ALLAH as witness that we would not commit some particular sins and wrote it down on a piece of paper and both agreed on it.

Is a lung transplant permitted in islam?

1-A non muslim asked me a question that why is alcohol haram in Islam,what is the best answer from Quran hadith and logic? 2-Why is drugs,pork,and dead animals which are not slaughtered haram?Could you please answer from Quran and hadith and also provide logical answers so its easy for a non muslim to understand…

Is the appalling treatment of animals as per the finding of WSPA halal or acceptable?

Is there any narrayion that Shaytaan urinates on the head of someone who does not cover their head when eating, or if a woman leaves the house without hijaab.

I just wanted to find out what is the position according to the Ahnaf, on Sea food, specifically, Lobster. I am comfortable with Taqleed, and further to that, the prohibiton by Imam Abu Hanifa Ra for seafood..

Today was the first time that I heard of medical aids that are not permissible and honestly never gave it thought before.

I have had two Maulana (Hanafi) here in the US tell me that the only food we can consume from the sea is fish and shrimp. …

I am a male muslim getting ready to move to a new city for school. I am looking to find a place with a friend of mine (who is also a male). We have found many places, but the only ones that we can afford require us to live with others….

As per Hanafi School of Thought, it is not permissible to eat any kind of sea food but which fall under the categoriy of pisces (fishes). Please provide the hadith evidence of above fact.

I would like to know if organ transplants are permissible?