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Answers with Tag: eating

Are mint poppets halal despite containing gum arabic and shellac?

Why is pork forbidden in Islam?

Can girls keep rozeh during their period if they are not heavy?

What can and cannot a woman do during menstruation?

What azkaar/wazifah can I read to improve my memory and reduce nervousness due to recent illness?

Which meat invalidates Wudu?

How many qadha fasts should I hold in Ramadhan and how to make them up?

Why are many things in Islam done with the right hand and what about left-handers?

What is the correct way to seek forgiveness from Allah for backbiting?

Is it permissible to eat at McDonald’s or Burger King according to Quran and Sunnah?

What is the correct way to seek forgiveness from Allah for backbiting?

Is it necessary to observe full pardah in front of fiance’s brothers if there is no fear of fitnah?

How can I improve my bad breath and remove acne on my face?

Are Cadbury’s strawberry jam and Trick or Treat orange mini rolls halal?

Should I also fast on the 11th of ZHujja if I fast on the 9th?