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Answers with Tag: Dua

Permissible names for a new-born.

Are the names Du’ā, Ayāna and Maryam good names to keep?

Talaaq with waswasa


Is it permissible to have an abortion because of abuse in a marriage ?

Is it permissible to make Dua for a non-believer who has passed away?

What can a woman recite from the Quran during Haydh?

Lady falling onto man in the state of Ihram in Hajj. Any expiation required?

My sister is not finding the right spouse!

Names of Darul Ulooms in South Africa with boarding facilities.

My mother does not allow me to keep the Sunnah beard

Can one make multiple duas whilst drinking Zamzam?

I am in debt, can I gamble ?

Feeling disinclined from Deen due to sickness

My husband sends my child to a Catholic School