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Answers with Tag: Discharge

What is the ruling about white discharge that normally comes through the vagina?

Will Ghusl be Wajib if a Man Masturbates Without Discharge?

How can one perform wudhu in situations where there is no water available?

How would the Mazoor complete the wudhu?

Does Smoking Marijuana Break your Ghusl?

Looking at Private Parts of Step Father with Lust

Confirming When Menses Ends

Does Discharge Break the Wudhu?

Seen semen when I wake up from sleep whilst Fasting

Is it permissible to perform hajj on someone’s behalf?

Can you fast if you take vaginal medications?

Charity and Zakat given to those who are in debts

Uncertainty about purity and wet dream.

I gave money into for the poor box to pay kaffarah of breaking an oath, does it count?

Ruling for seeing unusual discharge after end of haidh