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Answers with Tag: Dhikr

When we enter a bathroom, we read the dua, and there by we cant do any form of zikr until we come out and read the dua again, but in present days we have attach bathrooms,

4. is it sunnah for females to cover their head without any hair showing (like in salah) when going to bathroom

I would like to know the meaning of Thakira? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Please advise me some duas to have children.

How do I obtain a pure heart?

2)I would like to know if giving zakaat is fardh on land properties,with no income from these land.also,the person has a huge debt

Is it correct that for isal-e-sawab of parents if children recite kalima 100000 times than the maghfirat of the deceased is inevitable.

Q1)Someone once asked me that to whom does Allah Ta’ala refer to in the Quraan when he mentions “We” Q2) Question regarding wearing pyjamas whilst reading Salaah.

When I think of great people like Maulana Gangohi and Maulana Thanvi I have the urge to do good deeds … because I want to imitate them. is this correct?

What should a person do if he has pieces of paper on which ahadith ,quraanic verses , duaas , or zikrs are written ?

I want to ask about AL-IKHWAN group, which is most active now a days in Pakistan. Their Peer (leader) is Moulana Akram Awan Sahib …

Is it permissible to read quran during the time of zawaal and at other forbidden times?

I am unemployed and facing lot of problems canu please tell some prayers by which my problem can be solved

Please tell me some good deeds so i can try to be a salih.

Is it forbidden sleeping after the fajr prayer, if yes, please mention reason.