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Answers with Tag: curse

Hadith Question: Do not curse my Companions!

Printing jobs; Family Portraits, Banks and Alcoholic Beverages etc?

Can I marry a girl whose dad is a Shi’ah?

Plucking the eyebrows

The Shaykh told my family members that it is not necessary to fast or pray. What should I do?

What happens on the Day of Judgment if a Muslim wrongs a non-Muslim and how does one seek forgiveness for backbiting others?

Shias and Hadhrat Muawiyah Radhiyallahu Anhu

Is the following suggestion correct?

What is the punishment for insulting the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

Our only option is a student loan

Is it permissible to start a business of connecting lenders and borrowers?

What’s meant by the “curse of Allah”?

I got tricked in saying the words of nikah, is my nikah valid?

Sila Rahmi (Ties of Kinship)

Meaning of a dream?