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Answers with Tag: cousin

Dream, and marriage relationship

Punishment for sin

How can I advise my mother regarding Hijab?

Is it possible for an ummati to surpass our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in practical deeds (amal)?

Is it possible for an ummati to surpass our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in practical deeds (amal)?

Asaraat of jinn after marriage

My cousin is insisting on talking to me before marriage, what should I do?

Can Zakat funds be used to feed deserving recipients suhur and iftar?

Applying for a job using a experience certificate

I just need help to get out of this difficult time.

Doubt in breastfeeding

Does three Talaqs take place?

Salary earned by working for an Insurance Company and money accumulated from paid sick leave?

I wish to marry her

Breaking a fast in Ramadhan at the wrong time.