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Answers with Tag: court

What do you do if your wudhu breaks during Salah?

I went for Umrah and later on discovered that I had haidh the same night. Do I have to give damm?

If there has been a death in the family, do we celebrate Eid?

How should impure utensils be washed in the dishwasher?

Who has to do Qurbaani and who has to refrain from cutting the hair and nails in the 10 days of Zil-Hijjah?

If you see a dream and after waking up you realized there is wetness, does this make ghusl necessary?

A man found out later that he had married his wife during her ‘iddah from a previous husband. What is the status of his nikāh?

I performed Tawaaf Wida and then left for Mina, and then returned to Makkah again. Did I have to do Tawaaf Wida again or would the previous one suffice?

Can a mother and her daughter go for Umrah without the company of the father?

Is “Salallahu alahy wa sallam” darud?

What should I do with interest money from the bank? Can I give it to my poor relatives?

Can we pray for the guidance of a non-Muslim? Is it allowed to have a disbeliever as a friend?

I want to know about FOREX trading.  In FOREX trading, currencies are traded over the counter with exchange rates varying in response to market forces. Currencies are always traded in pairs, one against the other. For example, the highest volume pair in the Euro/U.S. Dollar, which has the ISO (International Organization of Standardization) code EUR/USD. When the exchange rate is quoted, it looks something like EUR/USD = 1.3116. This means that it takes $1.3116 to buy one Euro. This is not money on money like interest or gambling. This is similar to the stock market, but on a far larger scale and has an equal number of loss or gain probability.

My husband and I fought and I asked him for divorce. He said, “Ok, you are free. Tallak tallak tallak.” Does talaq take place?

Can one marry wife’s sister’s [sister-in-law]’s daughter ?