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Answers with Tag: court

Has my divorce been Impacted for the last ten years

Which one is more better?, abundance of Tawafs or of Umrah ?

Islamic Shariah Council hastily issuing a separation?

Zakaat and Interest Money for Maintenance.

Janazah for the drowned person where there is no hope of recovery.

Fiqhul Akbar of Imam Abu Hanifah.

Fiqhul Akbar of Imam Abu Hanifah.

I dont live with my husband and want a Khula

Civil Divorce (2)

What happens to the Mahr after a Faskh (cancelled) Nikah?

Remarrying the same woman who had taken khulah.

Divorce given by a husband suffering from sihr!

Rulings on working environment and salary

A man forcefully marrying a woman who is in somebody else’s nikah

If someone is refusing to pay his debt