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Answers with Tag: congregational prayer

Praying Behind the Imam When the Lights Go Out

Going Ahead of the Imam in Prayer

Christians Praying in the Masjid & Interfaith Limits

When the Call to Prayer is Given and Food is on the Table What Should I Do?

Combining Prayers Due to Bad Weather in the Shafi’i School

On Arriving Late to Audible Congregational Prayer (Maliki)

A Follower Praying a Different Prayer than the Imam in the Maliki School

What should I do my husband doesn’t spend time with us?

Women attending congregation in masjid

If I delay joining congregational salah or miss it for a worldly task, does it affect me in the dunya?

Minimum Number of Followers in Congregational Prayer

The Call to Prayer (Adhan) and Prayer Timings

Tahiyyatul Masjid

Du’aa After Fardh Salaah

Women in the Masaajid