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Answers with Tag: congregation

Dua after Salaah in congregation

Question Asalaamulalykum Is dua after salah in congregation bidah? If not please explain in detail because a lot of masaajid don’t do dua.

Misceleneous questions

Dua with Imam

After the fard prayers in my local mosque, the imam leads the congregation in making dua (the imam makes the dua and the congregation says amin). But sometimes he makes the dua in such a low voice that the words can’t be heard. Should we say “amin” also in this case? Also, should we say “amin” even when the duas are made in a language that we can’t understand, such as Arabic? A:: You could say aameen softly or you could make your own dua softly. Source

Qiyaamul Lail Salaah

The Time of Takbeer-e-Tashreeq

Performing one’s own Nikaah

Discharge of Mazi during Salaah

Taraweeh in Jamaat (Congregation)

Imam Sitting on Chair for Taraweeh

Language of Pre-Khutbah Lecture on Friday

Tahajjud in Congregation

Wudhu Breaking and Walking in Front of Musallis

Using Microphone in Salaah