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Answers with Tag: congregation

Reward for Learning Forty Du’aas

Question: 1.  If Surah An-Naas is recited in the first Rak’aat of the Salaah (e.g. Eshaa Salaah) then how do you perform the second Rak’aat? 2.  If you are a Musaafir and you read four Rak’aats Fardh instead of two (e.g. Zuhr Salaat) then what should be done or vice       versa? 3.  When giving Khutbah which step do you sit on (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and when you step on and off which leg do you use? 4.  Is it permissible to eat duck meat? 5.  If one forgot to read Du’aa before slaughtering an animal and reads it at the end, will the animal be Halaal? 6.  Is it permissible to read Salaah behind an immature person? 7.  After Salaah should the Du’aa be read aloud or silently? 8.  Is it permissible to hold an English Qur’an without Wudhu? 9.  What do you do with a person that asks too many questions? 10.  If you take credit from someone and both of you forget the amount what should be done? 11.  What is the difference between Makrooh-e-Tanzihi and Makrooh-e-Tahrimi?

The Twelve Tasbeehs

Women praying behind a non-Mahram male

Women reciting Quran during Taraweeh Salaah

Performing Witr in congregation in Ramadan

Calling the adhan before the timing of salaah

Use of the microphone in Salaat

Tabligh Jamaat

Extra duas in salah?

I always get bad thoughts that shouldn’t be there. I sometimes talk to my thoughts but when I realise that it is Shaytan, I say, “Astaghfirullah” straight away. Can you please tell me how to get rid of these unwanted thoughts as they distract me from studying and working even though I try to ignore them.

Photo’s and Videos

In our Masjid during the last 10 days of Ramadhaan, a brother offer Tahajjud prayer in congregation. Should we pray with them or not?

How should a person with dementia perform salah?

Fulfilling an oath