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Answers with Tag: chastity

Asalam o Alaikom Brother I have question about nikah that what Islam said about when you dont have nikah with a girl but your family members and the girl’s family members know that in near by time you both will be engaged so can I touch or kiss that girl before Nikah?

A difficult marriage situation

Question: I am very sorry that I am asking much questions. I have a question about obeying parents. What are the virtues for obeying parents?

Questions Regarding Women

Women Not Wearing Scarves

Salaah of a Female

My Husband is sexually inactive, what should I do?

Marrying a non-Muslim Lady

Muslim Man Marrying Jewish Woman

Marrying a Christian Girl

Eyebrow & Hair Removal

The Fiqh of Travel 

What is the religion’s ruling concerning a woman leading men in prayer?

Eyebrow and hair removal.

Takfir – Anathematizing