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Answers with Tag: Canada

My wife is too shy. It is causing frustration in our relationship. Please advise.

Masajid and jumma

How does one pay zakat oncredits extended to the purchaser at sale (“debts receivables” or “accounts receivables”)?

Could you explain what does it mean when Fatawa Rasheediya says that Allah can tell a lie?

My father took out a life policy. My mother was the original beneficiary and she gave her share to us two sisters. My mother passed away 7 years ago and my father passed away 2 years back. Where will the money go?

I have heard a lecture that Moulana Mehmood Hasan Madni R.A did manazara about the green dome and won. Can you authenticate?

Is it permissible to throw away CD’s/ MP3’s etc. which contain Qur’an recitation or Islamic songs?

Is it permissible for me use Adsense for my website, or use a pseudonym while blogging or make a website for a music company?

What does the Qura’an have to say about mortgage?

Is it permissible to practice give Botox injections, facial peels, dermabrasions. Mostly, its done for patients to look younger and good looks. How about for medical sickness?

Are machine slaughtered animals halal?

Is topical fluoride therapy permissible since it has ethanol in it?

Miscellaneous question with regards to Salah and Jama’at.

Revisiting the previous question about injecting brine solution in chicken carcass, what if some of them inject more then the required/recommended amount to increase the weight?

Is the practice of injecting brine to chicken before sale permissible?