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Answers with Tag: burial

A certain company promising to help the wife of their deceased employee

Funeral Parlour as tenants

Janazah Salaah and burial of a person who has committed suicide

What is the ruling regarding women visiting the graveyard to see their deceased relatives?

Understanding Shariah Rules for Estate Division After the Demise of My Father

Deceased with Two Wives and Multiple Children: Estate Distribution under Islamic Law

Development of private cemeteries

What should one do with the husband’s death compensation?

Rulings regarding the deceased

The interpretation of Nothing can change the Divine Decree except dua

Seeking waseelah through the deceased

Father writing a Will for his children

Presentation of the Deeds of the Living to the Deceased and Martyrs and their Ranks

Is it permissible to erect gravestones at graves for identification?

Dealing With a Miscarriage and Burying the Fetus