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Answers with Tag: burial

Is it necessary to change the kafan if blood comes out of the deceased at the time of burial?

Burial of the body

The burial procedure of a foetus and the status of the bleeding of the mother.

Is meditation permissible?

Staying away from pornography and masturbation

Is it permissible to cook food at the home of the deceased?

Can you interpret the meaning of a dream about attending a funeral of a pious person and being told “you are fast on track which will benefit the nation”?

Fidya for missed Salaahs

Will, hunting deer and steroids

How to stop Pornography Addiction?

Is it correct to make dua after janaazah salaah before burial?

How to dispose of Islamic literature?

Pornography and Masturbation Addiction

Question: Assalamualaikum My father passed away last year – he left some money. My mother is still alive and there are 6 children remaining – 3 boys/3girls. What is the share for the mother? For the brothers? For the sisters? Jazakallah for your help. Wassalaam,

Distribution of Deceased’s Estate