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Answers with Tag: Bank

I currently have two bonds and an overdraft. The initial amount of the bonds have long been paid off, it is basically the interest that I am paying. In order to get out of this sin, I have decided to cancel my life insurance policies

Firstly, my two boys are living with my mum in my home country in Asia but I am supporting them i.e education, food, shelter and clothing. My ex-husband has refused to financially support them

I have many friends in bank . And all say if you provide us respective ahadith and quranic verses and explain us logically which job in bank is haram and which is jaiz.

From the question below, can u please tell me why the inaam cannot be considered as a volountary gift as is the case with credit card prizes?

In Pakistan Meezan bank is doing (according to them) islamic banking. They have the following fatwa on their website according to which Meezan bank is doing islamic banking and it is permissible and halal to open account with Meezan Bank and get profit….

I’m wanting to know if it’s halal to be a part of this investment because although this account is invested in interest bearing companies and/or bonds,….

I want to ask you that is it necessary for me to do Qurbani?

I purchased an article. I paid the person via internet transfer.

My field of study is Economics. I look like to get some insight into whether it is permissible to work in the banking sector. There are many people who have told me that it is not permissible at any cost because of the interest factor.

What is the solution if husbands income is totally based on riba.

I said … riba is involved in schemmes like Al Burag, HSBC… they argued…why you eat chicken from shops, how do you know its halal?

I would greatly appreciate it if I could get feedback on the progress on your Traditional Investment Product, as spoken about at the Business Campaign earlier this year.

My friend works for an accounting firm, who does all the accounting for movie productions. She has no other source of income and a family to support. The payroll is for the crew, basically the ones who build the sets and such.Is this halaal earnings? And can she keep on working there until she finds another job.

1. I heard that if a woman shows some part of her body then that part wil b burnt in the fire of hell.. is this a true hadith.. pls provide with proper reference..

I Own a Car wash wich is on the property of petrol station,at times my customers wash there cars and pay me via a garage card,I charge them a surcharge on the amount due to the bank charge  on the swipe eg wash R40 swipe R45 .The card get’s swiped at the petrol station terminal and I Recive R40 cash from the Garage owner he recives R45 in his bank account,not sure what the actual bank charge is it might be less than the surcharge.Need To now if this transaction is ok  for me and the garage owner who is a muslim friend